quarta-feira, 30 de abril de 2014

Terminologia defensiva

Conhecer a terminologia da modalidade faz parte da cultura especifica dos treinadores. Junto a terminologia adoptada para a defesa.

"Some Defensive Terminology used by retired longtime Utah Jazz assistant Gordie Chiesa.
I hope you can find a couple of things to apply to your defensive terminology and system."

Back on the Raise — when the shooter raises on his shot and the ball is released, two opposite defenders are sprinting back to half court in defensive transition.
“Backside Help” — Helpside Defense
Ballside/Backside — Divide the court down the middle. The ballside is where the ball is and the backside is where it is not.
Basketline — A direct imaginary line that illustrates ballside and back side defense.
Beat to Point — When the dribbler gets his head and shoulder by his defender, the defender must pick an angle and sprint to re-establish good defensive position to get the dribbler under control.
Bump & Under — defending cross-screen action, “lock-in” to the cutter, take the cutter to the screen and “release” and go under the screen and meet the cutter
Buying Time — One defender playing two offensive players by “stunting until a teammate can recover to his man.
Circle the Post — the post defender constantly changing post position.
Close Out — A defensive technique of getting Control of your body to contain the dribbler or challenge the shot. This happens when the defender gives help and now is rotating to the open shooter.
Contain — Staying in front of the dribbler, getting the ball handler under control.
Contest — No easy passes or shots, hand up, always challenging.
Corral the Dribbler — Nearest defender in the middle of the floor is in position and directing the defender on the dribbler. He is in a containment mode.
Corral Stance — The defender on the ball’s body position is influencing the dribbler to above the elbow area.
Dig out in Post — Perimeter defender drops to help, then challenges the post player’s dribble in the lane.
Eight Defense — an attempt in the back-court to create an 8 second violation. If the ball is passed to the front court at the end of a game, automatic foul
“Empty” — An offensive player leaves the strong-side area.
Fire – early trap before the screen is set on pick and roll coverage.
Footfakes – Quick step fakes by offensive players. The defensive player takes these fakes by creating space with the back foot to allow proper reaction.
Force Down – Push the dribbler to baseline.
F.U.S.D. — Fake up, stay down, close-out technique.
Get Legal — Regardless of your defensive job you must be legal when you position yourself. “Gold” — Denying the low post.
“Gold 2” — denying the low post, second phase keep denying the post player as he steps out off the block.
“Gold Butt Front” — a denial of the low post in which the defender is driving his feet and using his back and butt to discourage the post entry
“Gold Clamp” — the backside defender rotates across “jams’ the receiver of a lob pass and forms a trap.
“Gold Face Front” — a denial of the low post in which the defender has his back to the ball to discourage the post pass.
“Gold Slip Front” — a denial of the low post in which the defender is shoulder to shoulder with one leg above the post player encouraging the pass to create a steal
“Gold Sandwich” — The 2nd defender is discouraging a post pass by playing behind.
Helps — When one defensive player moves to help another defensive player to stop penetration or challenge a shot.
Heipside — The opposite side of the floor that the ball is on.
Help the Helper — The secondary help defender gives support and “stunts upw to contain the offensive player of the primary help defender until he can recover back.
Hit — aggressive double team on the dribbler both in the front court and backcourt.
Inverted — Regardless of defensive position, keep “Bigs” guard basket area and ‘Smalls” out on the perimeter.
Jam Point — Forcing the outlet receiver to go back for the ball.
Jam Outlet — On rebounds the nearest player pressures outlet pass to delay break.
K.B.I.F. — Keep Ball In Front
“Knock Off” — A big defender bumping out a small defender to perimeter after a Big/Little Mismatch inside.
Late Peel Back — emergency switch where the beaten defender pursues back to a cutter
Level of Ball — In transition, all defensive players must get below the ball in order to be in the Corral Position”.
Line — Imaginary line drawn between the offensive player you are guarding and the ball.
“Load to the Ball” — All help defenders are in position on the strong side and forming a defensive wall.
Lock and Decide — “lock-in” to cutter’s body, stay connected and take the cutter to the screen and decide to “ride” or “shoot the gap”
Lock and Ride — lock-in” to cutter’s body, stay connected and take the cutter to the screen and “ride  over the top”
Lock Screens — Put chest on the screener to force the screen to be set further up and away from the basket.
Lock/Trail — Forcing the baseline cutter, and being ready to trail to go in only one direction.
Lock/Trail 2 — defending loop action the defender of the second screener is creating a double teamb on the catch on the wing
Most Dangerous Man — In transition when determining who to guard we must get to the most dangerous offensive player first; not necessarily our own man.
Muck — the help defender drops into the lane before the ball is passed to “tag/clog” the paint area Nail — The help position in the middle of the floor across the foul line extended
Open & Through — ‘lock-in” to the cutter, take cutter to the screen and shoot the gap by sliding through between the screener and your teammate who opened up.
Pack It In – A concept in which the defensive players are in a “corral presence” at the elbows or at the pro lane line to shorten different driving gaps.
Plug — The defender at the “Nail position”.
Point of Pick-Up — The area of the court where the defense will pick-up and start defending.
Pre-Rotate — A designated help defender who rotates early to take on the cutter whether rolling or flaring. Protect— Protect the basket area, take away lay-ups.
“Red Dog” — Hard trap action defending screen/roll.
Release — When the big man rotates back to the basket, he releases the protector to recover back to his own man.
Ride to the Backside — “lock-in” to cutter and influence the cutter to the backside of the floor into “tags”
Rotation — A defensive player leaves his own offensive player to stop the ball or protect the basket.
Shade the Ball!Man — The defender slightly angles his body left or right to influence either the ball or man to cut or drive in a less dangerous direction.
Shift— Movement up or down an imaginary line in relation to the ball.
Silver — playing behind in the post.
Sink — help defender drops below the level of the ball to pick up a new offensive player
Split Defender — when doubling the post, this perimeter defender takes the first pass opposite.
Spy — in transition, the defensive point guard “jams” the inbound pass receiver in order to force him to come back and catch the outlet pass.
Step Up and Stick — the help defender stays “at home” on dribble penetration at the ball side corner.
Strong — nearest baseline big man rotates early above the strong side block vs. a wing isolation.
“Strong I” — Imaginary direct line that establishes baliside or is occupied by the backside defender.
Swarm — Intense body pressure with active hands going after the ball is picked up.
Swipe Hand movement attacking the ball usually in pick and roll defense or as a help defender in the post.
Switch and Fight — after emergency switching action, the mismatched defender has to fight off by dpeeling back” looking to steal or getting into a “Gold” (front) position
“Tag” — Help defender steps across chucking/swiping at the cutter usually entering the paint.
“Take On” — Ride/stay on the cutter’s body
Tandem — In transition the two defenders are back in recovery. The top defender stops the ball and the back defender takes the first pass out in a close-out position
Tandem — In transition the two defenders are back in recovery. The top defender stops the ball and the back defender takes the first pass out in a close-out position
Trail – Follow cutters off baseline screens then recover
Trapping — Sending a second defender to trap the ball out on perimeter.
“Turning’ — Making the dribbler change direction usually in the back court.
“Up” — Maximum pressure on the ball.
White — nearest defender corrals and slow traps the offensive threat on perimeter.
Wide — all help defender’s hands are spread out and active.— Double team in the post.
“X Big” — a double team of the post by the top big defender
“X Cutter” — a double team of the post off the cutter
“X Nail” — a double team of the post from the nail position
“X Switch” — backside screener switches onto cutter
Zoning — The help defender is protecting against penetration by staying in a direct line between the dribbler and the basket.

Michigan State

No ataque "3Through" Michigan State  usa um "Stack" que se  transforma no tradicional 1.3.1.  apoiado nos postes, para atacar a zona.

domingo, 27 de abril de 2014

Tiro a 45

O ataque " 2 Hook" de Arizona, contra zona,  recorre a dois bloqueios indirectos para libertar um lançador no perímetro a 45.


sexta-feira, 25 de abril de 2014


Atacar a zona  com uma sobrecarga de jogadores é um conceito muito antigo mas  que continua a ser eficaz.
Boise State atacou a zona  dessa forma.

25 Abril

quinta-feira, 24 de abril de 2014

Viva o 25 Abril

Também eu fui do MFA.

quarta-feira, 23 de abril de 2014

Mais linha final....

Mais movimentos de ataque vs zona . 
Xavier com  "Jam 5" e Saint Luis com " Circle In" seguem os mesmos princípios para libertarem na linha final um poste.

terça-feira, 22 de abril de 2014

Vantagem na linha final.

Atacar a zona 2.3.na linha final , com o recurso a bloqueios indirectos para libertar um poste perto do cesto , faz parte das soluções de muitas equipas na NCAA.
Tomemos como exemplo UTEP, Saint Louis e Wofford :

segunda-feira, 21 de abril de 2014

Progresso tecnológico...

É tempo de playoff na NBA . 

Os Golden State Warriors sabem bem que as vitórias dependendem muito de pequenos detalhes , dai terem recorrido à tecnologia  para tentarem controlar mais variàveis  e terem maior Capacidade de leitura e reacção face aos problemas colocados pelos opositores.
Os Warriors querem ser mais eficientes em termos ofensivos para isso têm não só de ser organizadas mas ao mesmo tempo também criativos . Assim estabeleceram um acordo com a MoCap Analytics Inc. ,uma firma de  Silicon Valley  que criou um blogue de análise dos jogos .
( http://mocapanalytics.com/news/ ).

Um artigo já está publicado e aborda os seguintes temas:
 1) Transition 2) Halfcourt and 3) Late clock


Um outro artigo de grande qualidade aborda a fase transição defesa ataque.


O corte "Shallow"

 Butler usa o corte "Shallow" no ataque vs zona.

domingo, 20 de abril de 2014

Vantagem no plll...

Wisconsin no ataque " four " contra zona procura tirar vantagem no plll com 4 jogadores a jogarem contra  2 , usando um bloqueio directo seguido de um indirecto.

sábado, 19 de abril de 2014

Como melhorar a defesa ... No minibasket ... Em Espanha claro.

Mejorar DefensaO site Tubaloncesto faz uma análise do recente campeonato de Minibasket espanhol.Claro que , infelizmente , a nossa realidade ainda esteja bem longe mas não deixa de ser útil.

"Recién llegado de San Fernando (Cádiz) habiendo disfrutado como espectador de numerosos partidos del Campeonato de España de Selecciones Autonómicas de Minibasket (#Mini2014), quiero compartir con vosotros una serie de artículos recogiendo mis conclusiones sobre el juego desarrollado por las distintas selecciones participantes. Voy a intentar sintetizar esas conclusiones de manera que sean útiles para aplicarlas en nuestros equipos de minibasket.
Después de tragarme 3 o más partidos en cada jornada de competición, puedo decir que el elemento diferencial que ha marcado el resultado de cada partido, ha sido el nivel defensivo de cada equipo. Por ello creo justo empezar esta serie de artículos centrándome en la defensa.

Mis 4 ideas para mejorar la defensa en Minibasket se asientan en el estilo de juego propiciado por el criterio arbitral “ventaja-desventaja” aplicado durante todos los partidos del campeonato, que resumido de manera elemental después de comentarlo con algún árbitro participante, podría decirse que consiste en que si te dan cera y la aguantas sin perder la pelota, no pitaran nada (criterio, sobre el que podremos debatir más adelante).
Criterios arbitrales aparte, creo que es interesante que cada uno evaluemos el nivel defensivo de nuestros equipos comparándolo con los cuatro puntos que voy a explicar a continuación.
- El jugador con balón o que esté en disposición de recibirlo antes de un saque, debe ser altamente presionado.
Partamos del principio de que cuanta más actividad defensiva apliquemos sobre el jugador con balón, más le costará efectuar cualquier acción. Nuestro objetivo primordial en defensa debe ser conseguir que el atacante se preocupe más de que no perder el balón, que de atacar.
He visto buenas defensas en las que ya en campo de ataque cuando el jugador con balón no conseguía desbordar en el 1c1 y por lo tanto usaba excesivos botes sin generar nada, aparecía el defensor más cercano para hacerle un 2c1, efectuando a su vez una rotación defensiva para cubrir las líneas de pase más cercanas.
- Uso de manos y antebrazo de forma agresiva e intermitente.
Cuando impones un nivel alto de actividad defensiva, generalmente lo que desprendes hacia el rival y hacia el arbitraje, es una imagen de actitud y determinación, con la que indirectamente consigues que la permisividad en el nivel de contactos sea mayor. Para lograr esto, es muy importante inculcar el hábito de presión constante al balón buscando mucho uso de manos para tocarlo y trabajar la interposición del defensor con el atacante usando pecho y antebrazo, para evitar ceder espacio y tiempo para el ataque.
Muy importante resaltar el detalle “intermitente”. Como es lógico, si mantienes de forma continuada un excesivo contacto, la acción será penalizada, sin embargo si esos “toques” se producen con rapidez, entrarán dentro de ese margen de permisividad, debido a la buena predisposición defensiva que nuestro equipo debería demostrar con naturalidad.
- Obligar a llevar el balón por las zonas laterales del campo.
Las defensas más efectivas, eran aquellas que desde la presión obligaban a subir el balón por las bandas, dar el pase por las bandas, penetrar desde las esquinas, línea de fondo, etc…Cuanto más cerca estén los jugadores de las bandas y línea de fondo, más probabilidad habrá de que cometan perdidas de balón en pases, o pisando las líneas mientras botan. Además se suele obtener peor rendimiento en ataque cuando el jugador con balón empieza atacando desde las esquinas, que cuando genera desde el centro de la pista.
- Los cinco defensores siempre pegando pequeños saltitos de activación.
Las mejores defensas se identificaban por este pequeño pero importante detalle. Nadie está dormido, los pies y las piernas no pesan, siempre dando pequeños saltitos, siempre activos, para realizar un desplazamiento, cerrarse para dar una ayuda, saltar a un 2c1, reaccionar para frenar el primer bote de su atacante…
En principio puede resultar contradictorio, ya que con los saltitos dejamos de estar en constante contacto con el suelo y puede que la velocidad de reacción empeore, pero la realidad es que ese movimiento de activación nos ayuda a mantener esa presencia defensiva en la pista, y ayuda a transmitir e inculcar en nuestros jugadores esa tensión y estado de concentración imprescindible para defender.
Cómo ilustración a esta serie de puntos os dejo el inicio de partido de una de las selecciones que más me gustaron, ya desde que les ví en el Torneo de Selecciones en Ribadeo. Puede que durante el campeonato alguno de sus mejores jugadores acusaran el tremendo ritmo que conlleva competir contra equipos potentes de categoría especial, pero subjetivamente desde el punto de vista de mi comunidad (Asturias), es el estilo de juego y el ritmo al que debemos aspirar a jugar en nuestras selecciones.
El video abarca el primer sexto del partido de cruce para evitar el descenso de categoría especial entre las selecciones del País Vasco y Castilla La Mancha.

sexta-feira, 18 de abril de 2014

Atacar os buracos da zona.

Continuamos com o  "Scouting" da NCAA  e  os ataques vs Zona , estudando agora  Oregon , BYU e Niagara  que jogam de forma mais simples e sem  recorrerem aos bloqueios directos

Oregon  no ataque "3 out Flash " tem como objectivo  ocupar os  buracos da zona, nomeadamente no topo do lance livre ,para isso   recorre à circulação rápida da bola e aos cortes por parte dos jogadores do perímetro (1 , 2 e 3). Os postes (4 e 5) cruzam e são opção nos lançamentos curtos nos cantos.

Niagara joga de modo semelhante mas recorre preferencialmente aos jogadores do perímetro  no ataque " 3 man rotation".

Finalmente BYU no ataque " push base in " segue os mesmos princípios , com alguns ajustes particulares, nomeadamente com a inclusão de um bloqueio indirecto entre postes (45) ,  o que enriquece claramente o movimento.

quarta-feira, 16 de abril de 2014

Dayton vs Zona

O ataque de Dayton vs Zona (22 Through) é semelhante  ao de Uconn.

Novamente o recurso  ao PR permite ganhar vantagens importantes na sobrecarga final . 
A entrada é feita com passes (13) e a mudança do lado da bola também (12). O corte para a sobrecarga é  igual  (3).
Tem apenas um bloqueio directo (42) e o poste 5 joga do lado da bola (bloqueia o defesa central e abre para a bola).
2 aproveita os desajustes da defesa e : lança , passa ao canto (3), assiste o poste (5) ou assiste 1 no lado contrário.

O poste (5) joga no lado contrário da bola em Uconn , enquanto em Dayton joga no lado da bola.